what is KERS ?

  • The kers stand for Kinetic Energy Recovery System
  • it is an automotive system for recovering a moving vehicles kinetic energy under braking or we can say that it recovers the kinetic energy present in waste i.e. heat generated when we apply brake.

Note : It is used by formula one & racing car company & in future it will be used by commercial car company.

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Gear is a mechanical instrument having toothed section generally used for transferring torque, force from one part of machine to another part of machine.

It is a minimum distance between the two mating teeth in motion when the gear is driving the pinion.
       Sometime it is also called as LASH or PLAY.
"In a pair of gears backlash is the amount of clearance between mated gear teeth".
Theoretically, the backlash should be zero, but in actual practice some backlash must be allowed to prevent JAMMING.
The other reason for backlash is allowing for lubrication, manufacturing errors, deflection under load and expansion.

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Basic behind tyre re-grooving

The basic component are-:

  1. Tyre Inspection
  2. Tyre Buffering
  3. Tyre Builder
  4. Pressure chamber
  5. Mono rail
  6. Envelope spider

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A differential is a device, usually, but not necessarily, employing gears, which is connected to the outside world by three shafts, through which it transmits torque and rotation. The gears or other components make the three shafts rotate in such a way that a=pb+qc, where a,  b, and c are the angular velocities of the three shafts, and p and q are constants. Often, but not always, p and q are equal, so a is proportional to the sum (or average) of  b and c.
In automobiles and other wheeled vehicles, a differential allows the driving road wheels to rotate at different speeds. This is necessary when the vehicle turns, making the wheel that is travelling around the outside of the turning curve roll farther and faster than the other. The engine is connected to the shaft rotating at angular velocity a. The driving wheels are connected to the other two shafts, and p and q are equal. If the engine is running at a constant speed, the rotational speed of each driving wheel can vary, but the sum (or average) of the two wheels' speeds cannot change. An increase in the speed of one wheel must be balanced by an equal decrease in the speed of the other.
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First let’s see the channel of flow of air
1. Air compressor piston pump
2. Air governor
3. Air dryer
4. Dual air duct
5. Air tank
6. Actuator
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